Recommended for:
- Any time you want to skate without toe stops
- Jam skating
- No-Toe-Stop-Practice
Not recommended for:
- Toe stop usage - these are not stoppers!
When doing fancy jam/dance moves on your skates, your toe stops might get in the way. That's when you take off your toe stops and put in your toe plugs - toprevent damage to your skates or the floor.
Are you challenging yourself by skating derby without toe stops? It's a great way to practice and enhance your footwork. Bear in mind that when you do tip down (reflexes and muscle memory might do that to you), you might damage your plates on the floor, or damage the floor with your plates. Take care of your skates and the floor you skate on by putting in your toe plugs.
These do not fit roller skates with bolt on toe stops (such as Impala, Chaya Melrose, Chaya Deluxe, SFR, Rookie Forever, Rio...).
The toe plugs can be used on American threaded plates (so not Roll Line!)
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